嵌入式多媒体会议话筒 鹅颈麦克风底座
MZS 31 表面安装了减震垫。MZS 31 带有橡胶轴承,用于夹住鹅颈架的卡侬座,并降低来自桌面的噪声。
MZS 31
The MZS 31 is an elastic, fixed-installation shock mount for MZH-series goosenecks and MEG 14-40 gooseneck microphones. This wired in-table mount reduces the transmission of vibration noise through tables and lecterns. The model is available in black color.
Shock mount for MZH goosenecks and MEG 14-40 microphones.
Shockmount for MZH goosenecks
Significantly reduces transmitted body noise from table or lectern
需要截孔:51 mm
凸缘下的深度:50 mm
总体深度:60 mm
总体直径:74 mm